
* Marble Polishing: How to Get Rid of Etch Marks

* Marble Polishing: How to Get Rid of Etch Marks


Marble, a highly luxurious stone, is a unique limestone that passes through supreme heat and pressure for thousands of years. Architects give the example of the great Taj Mahal monument in India whenever talking about the grandeur of Marble stones. Marble is famous for its unique patterns, natural beauty, and different markings, making it the luxurious, elegant, and superb choice for countertops, flooring, and tabletops.

But shiny marble may lose its luster with time and aggressive use. It is not uncommon to spot some dull stains after the thin layer of Marble polishing wears with time, leading to occasional stains on your marble. You need not worry about etching marks or stains as they are not difficult to fix. Marble naturally tends to etch or stain, but this etching issue can become visible if untreated. It also feels rough when you touch the affected etching area.


Why Do Etch Marks or Stains Appear?

There are specific reasons why etch marks or stains occur on marble surfaces. For example, they may arise when marble exposes to acidic beverages like alcohol, wine, soft drink, and coffee. They can also occur when you use complex products like ammonia, vinegar, bleach, and other cleaners to clean your marble.


Marble stone comprises calcium carbonate and is an acid-soluble material. Hence, it undergoes a chemical reaction that results in etching or tearing away marble. It is equivalent to burning, which eliminates the upper top layer of the marble.

After the marble polishing process, etches are noticeable as it is exposed to raw and dull marble. On some other surfaces like honed marble, engraves have the same impact but are not visible. It is because marble has a matte finish. Even with time, it reacts with elements present in our atmosphere, causing dull spots on marble.

However, don’t worry; you can quickly repair etching marks and stains on marble surfaces.

How to Repair Etch Marks on Marble Quickly?

Repairing etching marks on marble surfaces is quite a simple task, but it relies on the finishing type of marble, and the severity of those etch marks. Therefore, we will discuss repairing marble etching on various marble surfaces, including what you need to do in case of severe etch marks.

  • Polished surface – If etches are visible on a glossy surface, it is easy to use marble polish or etch removers because they are specific to Marble Repairs. Not only do they restore the shine of your marble, but they also make it appear brand new. You need to blend marble powder with water and rub your marble with a soft cloth to cover them up.
  • Honed surface – The best way is to use one of our Magic Renova Kits available on our site. We recommend that you contact us first to determine which kit would be best to use for your surface area.
  • Severe Etching – Severe etch marks rarely occur but can appear if an acidic substance remains on the marble for a longer duration. In such a case, it may severely damage the marble surface. If you notice rough texture in a specific area, it is high time to call us to determine the best method of action.




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